Talitha Kum Burkina Faso
Sr. Yvonne Clémence BAMBARA was invited at the workshop held in Rome in 2016 by Talitha Kum. On her return to Burkina-Faso, she shared the issue of human trafficking and how Talitha Kum is involved as a network. This was shared to the union of religious of the Archdiocese of …
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Sr. Yvonne Clémence BAMBARA was invited at the workshop held in Rome in 2016 by Talitha Kum. On her return to Burkina-Faso, she shared the issue of human trafficking and how Talitha Kum is involved as a network. This was shared to the union of religious of the Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso. Religious present were invited to start a network in the diocese, as a result there were three sisters of different Congregation ( Sr. Yvonne Clémence BAMBARA a Good Shepherd Sisters, Sr Angela Kapitingana a Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa and Sr. Marie-Cecile Some a Religious of the Assumptions) who came together and organised for the first time prayer and conference on human trafficking at the cathedral on the 8th February 2017. Since then the network has faithfully prepared for the 8th February for prayer preceded with a month of sensibilisation in the diocese. Slowly it has connected to other two diocese of which makes a coordinating term of six religious of six Congregation. It has as well conducted awareness workshop with religious in the country at a national level and to the annual assembly of major superiors of Burkina/Niger. The network was officially recognised and strengthened by the Union of the Major Superiors of Burkina/Niger in November 2018.
La vision
Animés du même amour inconditionnel du Christ pour toute personne, nous membres du réseau Talitha Kum des consacrés du Burkina-Faso, nous nous engageons à lutter contre toutes entreprises visant l’anéantissement de la dignité de la personne créée à l’image de Dieu.
Nous membres de Talitha Kum, consacrés du Burkina-Faso nous nous engageons pour :
La lutte contre toute forme de trafic des personnes
La réinsertion scolaire et/ ou socio- professionnelle des victimes de la traite
La promotion et la protection de la vie
La sensibilisation.
le soutien et le renforcement des capacités des victimes, dans une approche collaborative multi-acteurs.
Les valeurs
1. Le respect des droits fondamentaux de l’homme
2. L'amour inconditionnel du Christ pour l’humanité.
3. Le respect de la Dignité, de l’intégrité physique et morale de la personne
4. La fraternité, et la solidarité sans exclusion
5. La considération totale de l’être humain comme créature de Dieu